Due to extreme cold, Olympia CUSD 16 will have an eLearning day tomorrow. Students should not report to school on Tuesday, Jan. 16th. Full details can be found in the News story on our website.
4 months ago, EdTech@Oly
E-Learning Day Tomorrow
Video Link: bit.ly/olyRCv2 "It's complicated" can describe many of our relationships with others, both romantic and otherwise. Add digital devices and social media to the mix, and things get complicated even further. Help students take the first step toward building healthy and rewarding friendships and romantic relationships, both online and off. Students listen to other teens' thoughts and feelings about having and maintaining boundaries in friendships online, in a world of being constantly connected.
5 months ago, EdTech@Oly
Rewarding Relationships
Help kids trust their guts so they can exit iffy or inappropriate online conversations. Discuss different scenarios and ask how they would feel and what they would do.
5 months ago, EdTech@Oly
Family Tip 4
Video Link: bit.ly/olyRCv6 For most kids, being on social media can mean connecting with friends, sharing pictures, and keeping up-to-date. But it can also mean big-time distractions, social pressures, and more. Help your kids navigate the different feelings they may already be experiencing on social media. In this video, kids hear what other teens have to say about using social media to connect with friends, consider the complications and distractions that can happen, and think critically about how social media affects their own relationships.
5 months ago, EdTech@Oly
My Social Media Life
In the beginning, you might limit all communication with strangers online. As kids get older, you can monitor any online chatting. And once they're more independent, you can discuss which methods are appropriate as well as what information to keep private.
5 months ago, EdTech@Oly
Family Tip 3
Video Link: bit.ly/olyRCv3 Students hear from teens about the benefits and drawbacks of presenting themselves differently (or even anonymously) to others online, and consider what it means to "be yourself" in digital spaces. Games, social media, and other online spaces give kids opportunities to meet and chat with others outside the confines of their real-life communities. But how well do kids actually know the people they're meeting and interacting with? Help students consider whom they're talking to and the types of information they're sharing online.
5 months ago, EdTech@Oly
Chatting Safely Online
OMHS Angel Tree Deadline Friday!
5 months ago, Michelle Maris
angel tree
Discuss how a message can change depending on the person delivering it or the delivery method. Read a question like "What are you doing?" with different tones of voice. How do emoji and punctuation help communicate tone and emotion in texts?
5 months ago, EdTech@Oly
Family Tip 2
Parenting can be hard! Holidays can add stress. Find hope, answers, and stay current on parenting trends. Check out this Spartan parent resource: https://parentguidance.org/ This resource is available to all parents, grandparents and staff.
5 months ago, Michelle Maris
parent guidance
Kids learn about appropriate verbal and physical communication from watching you. But online conversations can be invisible. Occasionally, narrate as you're writing texts or social media comments when your kids are in earshot.
5 months ago, EdTech@Oly
Family Tip 1
Parenting can be hard! Holidays can add stress. Find hope, answers, and stay current on parenting trends. Check out the Spartan parent resource: parent guidance.org. This is a resource available to all parents, grandparents and staff.
5 months ago, Michelle Maris
parent guidance.org
Social interaction is part of what makes online gaming so popular and engaging for kids. Of course, online communication can come with some risks. Show your kids how to keep their gaming experiences fun, healthy, and positive. Video: bit.ly/olyRCv1 Video Discussion Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HQQ_lgKj5SVL5aGWYOrIfDfcwtxxjK9sI9-hJmSs3XY/edit
5 months ago, EdTech@Oly
Keeping Games Fun and Friendly
Soon after kids start reading and writing, they often begin interacting with others online. Whether they're chatting within games or texting family members, kids need the skills to interact respectfully. These skills will help kids -- and the people they're communicating with -- have positive experiences online. Throughout December, be on the lookout for these 4 Family Tips for elementary families who are looking to build a strong foundation for online relationships and communication! 1. Give them the right words. 2. Play a game of telephone. 3. Help kids navigate online friendships. 4. Develop their instincts.
6 months ago, EdTech@Oly
Family Tips
Check out Coat Giveaway Details:
6 months ago, Michelle Maris
coat give away
Did you miss last night's session on Emotional Regulation? Check out the replay to find out what e-motion is: https://cookcenter.info/Nov28OlympiaReplay It's a good session worth your time.
6 months ago, Michelle Maris
emotional regulation
Did you miss last night's session on Emotioanl Regulation? Check out the recording for what e-motion means: https://cookcenter.info/Nov28OlympiaReplay It was a good session worth your time.
6 months ago, Michelle Maris
emotional regulation
Olympia High School National Honor Society is sponsoring a letters from Santa project. NHS students will write letters as Santa to your kids for Christmas. There is no cost. If interested, please fill out the required questions below, so we are able to make the letters customized. These letters will be written, and mailed to your house before Christmas! Forms are due Friday, December 8th, 2023. Fill out a new form for each child. https://forms.gle/s5wMXZJRvN1Ngvgj7
6 months ago, Lisa Steve
My kid seems addicted to her phone. What do I do? It may seem like your kid is addicted (and may even "feel" addicted) to the phone, but it's more likely normal teen behavior. Read more: bit.ly/Oly_QA2
6 months ago, EdTech@Oly
Can't make it tonight? Go ahead and register, that way the recorded session will show up in your inbox. Watch at your convenience!
6 months ago, Michelle Maris
emotional face of kid
The Olympia National Honor Society is sponsoring a Toys for Tots Drive at the girls home basketball games tonight and tomorrow, against Prairie Central, then Dee-Mack. New toys or cash donations are appreciated! Bring your family and friends to enjoy the games and help support your local Toys for Tots!
6 months ago, Lisa Steve
Toys for Tots