September 22, 2020
This year, the Olympia Theater Department is bringing the joy of theater to your living room! More details to come..... With no ticket sales this year though, we are seeking dona...

September 22, 2020
Just a reminder that Monday, September 28th we will have a Teacher's Institute Day. There will be no student attendance on that day.
September 18, 2020
Homecoming Week
Homecoming week is approaching very soon, Spartans! Due to current restrictions, this Homecoming will look a lot different than years in the past. The Homecomin...

September 17, 2020
Allison Spracklen, Library Media Tech at Olympia South, is in our Spartan Spotlight. Allison has gone above and beyond in helping our remote learning families get acclimated wit...

September 17, 2020
OMS students demonstrating mastery of skills in a variety of ways using the stations rotations model. Great work!
September 17, 2020
Outside phone calls are not going through to North Elementary at this time. If you need to connect with ONE over the phone, you can call the following number directly: 1-309-379...

September 11, 2020
We take student health and wellness seriously and want to do everything possible to help your child avoid food allergies that might disrupt their school day. Food allergen inform...

September 10, 2020
The annual Ministerial Alliance and First Responders safety meeting that was scheduled for tomorrow (Friday, September 11th) at the Minier Christian Church has been cancelled. We...

September 9, 2020
Several parents have reached out asking if the Spartan masks that were given to students and staff the first day of school would be available for purchase. The school only purcha...
September 8, 2020
Internet and phone use has been restored at OSE.
September 4, 2020
We received information at 1:00 p.m. on Friday September 4th that the railroad crossings in Atlanta are all blocked by a stopped train. Inspectors are en route to find the problem...
September 3, 2020
Click here to watch the girls swim meet vs. Pekin live at 4:30.

September 3, 2020
We are looking for sub custodians! If you are looking to join a great team and work for the school district, please contact Scott Thornton at (309)379-6011, ext 1118.

September 2, 2020
The USDA has extended flexibilities that will allow Olympia Food Service to offer free breakfast and lunch meals to all children into the fall months. This will help ensure all ch...

September 1, 2020
Wednesday, September 2nd is our first Early Release Day of the 20-21 school year. All preschool through 5th grade students will attend in person from 8:00am to noon on Wednesday....

August 28, 2020
Good afternoon Olympia community,
Please read the following communication from Dr. O’Donnell.
Parent Communication: August 28
Thank you and stay safe!
Laura O'Don...

August 28, 2020
The September 23rd DIAL preschool screening has been cancelled. Given COVID restrictions, our programs are operating at 1/2 capacity and we are full. If you have a three or fou...

August 27, 2020
On Thursday August 27th the Executive Director of the IESA sent out a message to all member school clarifying the position of the IESA in regards to face coverings at outdoor even...
August 27, 2020
Click here to watch the girls swim meet live today @ 4:30

August 26, 2020
Please see the following statement that was released by Edmentum regarding the recent outages of Calvert Learning. We at Olympia remain committed to creating the best online lear...