During the 2018-2019 and the 2019-2020 school year, the Olympia School District underwent a facility study reviewing the status of all five buildings to determine which buildings needed to be upgraded or were in need of repair. The school district solicited input from community members, locally-elected officials, staff, the Board of Education, and students to prioritize the work that needed to be done. Stakeholders walked the buildings, participated in public forums, and narrowed their choices down to the spaces that they felt like needed the most improvement as well as those spaces that had the potential to reach the greatest number of students. At the end of the meetings, it was determined that each of the five buildings would receive some upgrades. The most extensive upgrades will occur at Olympia South, as that is the oldest building in the district.
After the two-year process to determine the spaces that needed to be improved, the school district took out $12.5 Million in Bonds to complete the construction process. As part of the bonding process, the school district paid off existing bonds to ensure that the tax rate stayed flat for the citizens of the Olympia communities. The money that was brought in for construction can only be utilized for construction costs and cannot be used to pay other expenses that the district incurs while the construction process is ongoing.
Olympia Middle School Renovations
During the Summer 2023 months, there was extensive work done at Olympia Middle School. The primary focus of the projects was to create a secure entry into Olympia Middle School. In order to create this concept, a second set of locking doors was added at the main entry to OMS. The OMS Main Office was moved into what was previously a classroom. The old OMS Office was converted into multiple offices for administrative staff, a new conference room, as well as a new space for a staff lounge. The previous staff lounge was created to an Art Classroom. Finally, new lockers and carpet were added in the OMS hallways. Pictures of all of these upgrades are pictured below.

Olympia High School Science Classroom Renovations
The Olympia High School Science classrooms underwent renovations during the summer 2022 months. We are excited about the modernization of these spaces and look forward to them meeting the needs of our students and staff for years to come.

Olympia South Renovation
The pictures below were professionally taken by Chris McGuire Photography. They showcase many of the new spaces at Olympia South, including the new gym, the new Library/Media Center, the new Music Classroom, and the entrance to these new spaces.

Fall 2022 Updates to Olympia South Construction

As the 2022 school year kicked off, the majority of the construction at Olympia South has concluded. The images below are images of the new office space, the conversion of the old gym to the music room and small classroom spaces, the area leading out to the new gym, and exterior images of the new gym and parking lot.

Summer 2022 Updates to Olympia South Construction
Below is a sneak peak at the inside of the facility updates to Olympia South. The images below are of the old gym, which is being converted into multiple classrooms and also the new gym. Construction is currently on track to be completed by Fall 2022.

Spring 2022 Updates to Olympia South Construction
The renovation began in the old gymnasium at Olympia South during the Winter months of 2022. Below are a handful of images the demonstrates the progress that is being made. When the renovations are completed, there will be two classrooms, the Media Center, and a classroom for Music in the old gymnasium. We are excited to see the great progress that has been made thus far.

Fall 2021 Updates to Olympia South Construction
This Fall the work continues on the construction of the new gymnasium at Olympia South. Below are images of the progress that has been made. We are excited to see the gym starting to take shape.

SUMMER 2021 Updates
Below are images of all of the projects that have taken place since the end of the 2020-2021 school year.
Olympia North Summer 2021 Projects
Outside of the Main Office at Olympia North a new wall covering was added, which is pictured below on the left. The words and phrases were selected by the members of the Olympia North Student Council from the 2020-2021 school year.
The gym at Olympia North had air conditioning installed over the summer, which will make the environment much cooler during the hot start and end to each school year.

Olympia West 2021 Summer Projects
This summer at Olympia West there was work done to improve the cafeteria/lunchroom spaces. The students will have all new cafeteria tables and booths that can also be utilized for small group instruction. The cafeteria also received a fresh coat of paint this summer. The bus lane and parking lot were resurfaced this summer as well. The student council members from Olympia West from the 2020-2021 school year also chose words and phrases that were important to them to help design the wall covering that was installed in the hallway leading to the gym at Olympia West. Those two images are below as well.

Olympia South 2021 Summer Projects
Progress continues on the construction projects at Olympia South. The image below on the left shows the structure of the new gym as it is starting to take shape. Within the building, there have been new heating and cooling units added in classrooms, which replace the old and extremely loud units the building has had. The Pre K and Kindergarten classrooms will also all have their own bathrooms once students return to school in August 2021.

Olympia Middle School 2021 Summer Projects
During the summer months all of the OMS Science classrooms were outfitted with flexible furniture, new demonstration tables, and a new TV to display presentations. An example of the flexible furniture is pictured in the picture below all the way to the left. The Technology classroom in H8 had a closet removed the classroom, thus opening up additional instructional and collaboration space for the Project Lead the Way Courses that are taught in this classroom. This image is the second one in the lineup below. There was also work done on the ramp leading into the building and portions of the sidewalk were replaced leading out to the bus lane.

Olympia High School 2021 Summer Projects
There have been a lot of exciting upgrades at Olympia High School this summer. In the OHS Gym, new LED lights were installed that make the gym significantly brighter. New lighting and fresh coats of paint were installed in Science classrooms and a Social Studies classroom. F3 (the old Health classroom) underwent a transformation and is the second picture in the gallery below. This classroom will now be used as a Project Lead the Way space and students will be able to work in the computer lab and then walk directly to the wood shop for application purposes. The entrance to OHS also received new pavement to ease the transition into the school.

District Spaces 2021 Summer Projects
This summer the parking lot at the Transportation office where the buses park was asphalted for the first time. The district also added parking lots and paved walkways at the baseball and softball fields. Handicapped parking spots are paved and anybody that parks in those spots will have a paved walkway to the field that they are watching a game at. The entrance to these parking lots can only be accessed by an entrance off of N 100 East Road, which is the road that runs on the East side of Olympia High School.

SPRING 2021 Updates
Construction has begun at Olympia South. Below are a few pictures of the changes that are taking place. More pictures will be added throughout the Spring and Summer months.

Several projects began over the course of the summer months in 2020. The cafeteria and seating area at Olympia South experienced a complete makeover. Basketball hoops that were not being used were taken down and the old tables that folded into the walls were replaced with new tables for students. There was also a fresh coat of paint applied to all of the walls, thus improving the aesthetics of the space.
At Olympia West, the boilers that are used to heat the building were over 50 years old and replacing any broken parts was becoming extremely difficult and very expensive. The installation of a new boiler system was completed in August 2020.
Another upgrade that was finished at Olympia West in September 2020 was the installation of a new air conditioning system that will provide cool air to the gymnasium. No longer will students in PE or spectators at events in Minier have to worry about the gym being too hot due to no air conditioning.
OHS Ag Shop
The Olympia High School Agricultural Shop underwent a makeover during the summer of 2020. Additional storage was added to the classroom, new tables were purchased for students to work at, and a fresh coat of paint was installed in the Ag Shop. The FFA blue and gold colors were used to create a border around the ceiling.

Industrial Technology Lab
Right next door to the Ag Shop, the Industrial Technology lab also received a fresh coat of paint. Walls that had not been painted in over 40 years have been cleaned up, providing the students with a great work environment as they work on their many projects.

Business Classrooms
Students that are taking business classes at Olympia High School will be benefiting from the renovation that was done to the new business classroom. State of the art collaboration spaces make this room an inviting place to learn and will help prepare students for their future careers.

OHS Outdoor Stadium
For years, any visiting fans that would walk to their side of the Olympia High School outdoor stadium would have to travel on a gravel path. In late August 2020, a paved sidewalk was put in from the home side of the stadium to the visitor’s side along the north edge of the stadium. This will benefit anybody that attends any events at the stadium and has to travel to the visiting side to find their way to their seats.

Future Construction Projects
Olympia South
It was determined that the best option to provide the additional space that was needed at Olympia South for the students was to add on to the existing structure. Some of the new construction will span across what is currently 6th Street between Vine Street and Elm Street. The Olympia School District has owned the tennis courts that sit adjacent to the building and in the Fall of 2019 the school district purchased the home that was formerly located to the northwest of the school on 6th Street. The house was taken down in September 2020 to provide room for the expansion project. In September 2020, the Atlanta Village Council voted to vacate 6th Street between Vine Street and Elm Street to allow building expansion projects to take place.
Construction on the new gym is slated to begin in late March 2021. Below is a blueprint of where the new gym will sit in proximity to the existing building. The construction of the new gym is expected to be completed by March 2022.

Location of new gym at OSE
Below is a depiction of the entrance of the new gym as viewed from the Vine Street entrance as well as what the lobby and concession stand area for the new gymnasium are projected to look like.
In Summer 2021, we will begin a renovation of the Pre K and Kindergarten classrooms at Olympia South. The renovation will include the installation of bathrooms in these classrooms. Students currently have to walk down the hallway in order to use the restroom. The installation of these restrooms will preserve instructional time for the staff and allow for greater learning opportunities for the students.
Once the construction of the new gymnasium is complete, work on transforming the current gymnasium into multiple state of the art learning areas will begin. The current gymnasium will be divided into two classrooms, a new media center, and the old stage will be transformed into a room solely dedicated for the students to take music. We are projecting that this work will begin in March 2022 and will be completed by the start of the 2022-2023 school year.
Below you will see the blueprints for the new space, as well as an aerial drawing of what the classrooms and the new media center will look like once construction is completed. Please note that the drawings are only projections of what the final space will look like and are subject to change.

The final phase of construction at Olympia South includes a makeover of the front office area. During the summer months of 2022, the main entrance to Olympia South will undergo renovations to provide a more suitable lobby area for visitors when they first arrive to the school, expand the size of the conference room, provide the staff with an improved work area and lounge, and the health clerk’s station will also be relocated to a dedicated space where it is not in the middle of the main office. This work is projected to be completed before the 2022-2023 school year begins. Below are blueprints for the work that will be done to the front office area.

There will be just over 11,000 square feet of new construction and just over 8,000 square feet of renovated spaces at Olympia South once the projects are completed. We are excited to see what the future will bring the students of Olympia South with all of these new and exciting spaces.
Additional Work Around the District
While the majority of the new construction will occur at Olympia South, there will be many projects completed at each facility leading up to the start of the 2022-2023 school year. As these projects are in progress and completed, check back on this page for updates and pictures. They are broken down by site below:
Ag Shop, Industrial Tech Shop, and Business Lab- completed Summer 2020
New sidewalk to visitor’s side of stadium- completed Summer 2020
Science Core Renovation
Main entrance renovation to provide a more secure entrance to the school
Multiple Classrooms renovated with new lighting, carpet, pain, and student workstations- Ongoing
Science Classroom Renovations- completed Summer 2021
Main entrance remodel to provide a more secure entrance to the school
New boiler system installed- completed Summer 2020
New air conditioning system installed in gymnasium- completed Summer 2020
Cafeteria makeover- completed Summer 2021
New restroom partitions installed in bathrooms- completed Summer 2020
Cafeteria floor drains replaced- completed Summer 2020
Install air conditioning in gymnasium- completed Summer 2021