The Olympia School District would like to thank The United Way and the Tinervin Family Foundation for their partnership this summer, as they are providing any of our interested families with boxes of non-perishable food free of charge. Every other week members of the Transportation Department pick up food boxes and deliver them to our families that indicated they would be interested in receiving these. Special thanks to Kathleen Lorenz from the United Way and Bob Hendricks from the Tinervin Foundation for their assistance in coordinating this partnership. We would also like to thank Len Mueller, Dawn Jones, Skeet Stribling, and Michael Neal from the Transportation Department for their help in delivering these meals. If any Olympia family is interested in signing up for the food deliveries, we have two dates left (July 14th and July 28th). The boxes will be dropped off at your home and you do not need to be present to receive them. Please fill out this form: Food Delivery if you would like the boxes dropped off at your home.

Food Boxes Still Available
July 2, 2021