Olympia Middle School presents the action adventure comedy The Girl with the Golden Locks by Brian D. Taylor. We will perform in the Olympia High School auditorium on Thursday, February 6, at 4:00 PM; Saturday, February 8, at 7:00 PM; and Sunday, February 9, at 2:00 PM.
Public Enemy Number One, also known as The Three Bears (Angela Barger, Zoe Hughes, and Dakota Berryman), are plotting to destroy the Kingdom with a C.O.W.—a nefarious weapon—and only our intrepid Agent Gold (Arianna Whinna) of the Fairytale Bureau of Investigation can stop them! Assisted by Agents Red and White (Mya Wohlers and Kinzley Fish) and led by Chief Granny (Layla Durham), Agent Gold sets herself against the nefarious bad guys. How will she save the day this time?!
Some audience participation is encouraged, so be prepared to receive your instructions!
This production is directed by Wendy Wade, with tech design by Megan Whitecotton and costuming by Heather Schwarting.
For more information, contact Wendy Wade at (309) 379-5941, ext. 8301.
Pictured above: Arie Whinna, Leo Stribling, Ethan Jones, Lili Vishkurti, Leah Litwiller, Brilee Gresham, Rylee Dano
Pictured in feature image: Mya Wohlers, Kori Craig, Morgann Ballard, Addyson Wollenschlager, Rowan Sanford