By Kaylee Withey, OHS Torch Reporter
On Friday, April 13, the OHS Band went to the IHSA Organizational Contest where they performed a program of music for three judges who rated the pieces the band played.
Band director, Mr. Mitchell Lutz, prepared the band in the weeks leading up to contest by having the students break into sectionals, submit playing tests, and work on the pieces during rehearsals.
“I try to pick music that will both challenge players in the band to become better musicians but that are also achievable and will allow us to be successful in front of a panel of judges. For this contest, I don't want to pick crazy hard music that makes us sound bad!” said OHS Band Teacher Mr. Lutz.
While the band performed, there were three judges who critiqued the pieces of music and the band on tone quality, rhythm, balance, and expression.
When the band finished, the judges gave them a division rating. The ratings consist of a division 1, 2, or 3 and are given based on the band’s performance.
The OHS Band received two Division 1 ratings and one Division 2 which averaged out to a Division 1 rating overall. Receiving a Division 1 rating is a great accomplishment and reflects on how hard the band works during the school year.
Throughout the semester, the band also has participated in many fun activities such as participating in the IHSA solo and ensemble contest, Illini Prairie Honor Band, and performing the National Anthem at the Flying Aces hockey game.
As the school year comes to an end, the band will begin to prepare for the fall marching band season and all the fun that comes along with it!